Friday, February 8, 2013

Resume Template - Chronological resume

There is no one way to do a resume.  There any many formats.  However, what is important is a format, and any variations of that format, that clearly shows a job seeker's skills, experience, and accomplishments in an EASY-TO-READ way.  The chronological format shown here does that.  It makes it easy for any recruiters and hiring managers to read about you and see if you might be what they are looking for to fill an opening in their company!

Template - A Format for a Chronological Resume


centered or to the side
key contact info - name, phone, e-mail, Linked-In address, physical address is optional

Summary Statement 

(Also called Career or Qualifications Summary)
 (This is the equivalent of your "L"vator speech)
Cite profession you want to work in, and skills and knowledge you possess.  A short paragraph consisting of phrases.   List your:    
Skills                                     Talents                                      Strengths
                        Expertise                               Certifications                            Languages

Professional / Work Experience / Employment History

(List in detail. starting with most recently held job, positions held for previous 10-15 years.)
Company name, location                                                                                        Years in position 
Position Title
Short overview of the job duties and responsibilities.  2-3 lines.
    ● Duty/Task you performed with Accomplishment/Result           
    ● Duty/Task you performed with Accomplishment/Result  
    ● Duty/Task you performed with Accomplishment/Result

Company name, location                                                                                        Years in position 
Position Title
Short overview of the job duties and responsibilities.  2-3 lines.
    ● Duty/Task you performed with Accomplishment/Result            REPEAT FOR EACH JOB
    ● Duty/Task you performed with Accomplishment/Result  
    ● Duty/Task you performed with Accomplishment/Result

Other Relevant Experience  

(Optional; include only if relevant)
List with lesser detail, only relevant jobs held prior to the last 10 or 15 years.  Don't list years..


List highest schooling/education achieved, name of school, years only if relevant to the job.
Masters Degree (i.e. MBA), Name of University, Location
Bachelors Degree (BA Humanities), Name of University, Location

Professional Development / Training

List any trainings, courses, certifications, etc. name of organization providing training (years only if relevant and recent)

Professional Associations / Memberships / Awards / Honors / Publications

Choose from the titles shown above the appropriate title for this part of your resume.
List professional associations of which your are a member, and positions held.
List publications which you authored/co-authored, significant reports you authored, etc.
List honors / awards/ etc.
Do not list political, religious, or hobby affiliations, unless relevant.

For additional information on marketing yourself and your capabilities, please refer to the many articles found under the Articles tabs of the AJC–Career Strategy website.
 ____________________________________________________________________________                 AJC - for Your Career Path
  Linked In:        
Twitter:  @AfterJobClub

1 comment:

  1. Resume is most important part for getting job in professional company. Here I get useful description about resume template. Its too good.

    free resume template
