Sunday, March 2, 2014

Hope is Not a Sales Strategy

"Hope is not a sales strategy"   . . . . . . .   Nor is it a job search strategy!

"Hope is not a sales strategy," stated author Peter Finkelstein, head of sales strategy, Barrett Consulting.  In an article in, he offered thoughts for waging effective sales campaigns.  However, his advice also applies to job seekers who, as you
as you now really know, are in sales when waging their own job search campaigns.

Just as a dream is not a goal, . . . Hope is not a plan. 
To find a job in today's tough employment market, you need a plan to sell your skills, experience, talents, capabilities, strengths, and evidence of accomplishments to customers - i.e., employers - for whom these assets may be of interest and useful.

Knowing how to sell yourself is key to locating your new employer quicker and landing a quality job that best uses your talents.

Decide that your search is a top priority
So, instead of “wishin’ and hopin’,” and sending out a resume every now then, calling up some people you know sporadically, researching 1 or 2 of your target companies, and dreaming about what your next job or opportunity will look like, decide that your search is a top priority, and take action:
  • Make a plan each and every week of what you want to accomplish that week. 
  • Detail a marketing plan for the employers you want to pursue.
  • Identify network contacts to contact, and professional meetings to attend.
  • Read the helpful articles on this AJC-Career Strategy website on "how to sell yourself."  
  • And, then . . . work your plan!
Deciding to work at your job search for some amount of time every day -- and then doing it  --  isjob search strategy that will get you further faster than hoping ever will. 
For additional information on marketing yourself and your capabilities, please refer to the many articles found under the Articles tabs of the AJC–Career Strategy website.
 ____________________________________________________________________________                 AJC - for Your Career Path
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