Recently I was reminded about the emotional side of job
I was talking with a now happily employed person –
we’ll call her Joan – who recalled what it felt like to lose her
job many years ago. Although time had
passed, emotions surfaced that were still raw when she recalled the
experience. She talked about what an
emotional experience it was, and mentioned the shock and feelings of disbelief: “This can’t be happening to me!” She recalled the financial concerns: “How
will I pay the bills?’ And, other
concerns: “I’ve got to have a job - What do I do now?”
Joan also recalled the ups-and-downs she experienced. “Some days were better than others,” she
recalled, “but there were always the nagging fears . . .
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"What if no one will hire me? Will I lose everything?" |
! What if I can’t find a job?
! What if no one will hire me?
! What will I do?
! What will my family do?
! How do I keep my child in school?
! Will I have to move or relocate?”
list of concerns went on and on.
I listened to Joan, it caused me to think about what emotional turmoil job loss, or any significant loss for that matter,
can cause. I realized that books,
articles, workshops, webinars, and even career coaches most often go directly
to the subject of “how to find a job” or “improve the one you’ve got,” with a
focus on the mechanics and techniques of doing so, and rarely treat the subject
of the emotions job seekers experience as they search for a new or better
job. And these emotions can stop you in your tracks!
the “how to’s” are important, in fact critical, to job search success. No one would argue that. It is critical to understand how to produce
and use job search tools such as resumes, cover letters, and elevator speeches
and perform the techniques of effective interviewing, networking, and
negotiation. But, in listening to Joan
describe the painful experience of that first job loss, it occurred to me that
none of these tools and techniques can be developed and performed well, if at
all, if a job seeker gets stuck in the ups-and-downs of the emotions of job
loss and job search, and does not understand that . . .”this too shall pass.”
The Emotional Turmoil of Job Loss
Question: Why is the loss of a job so painful for so many?
is the loss of a job opportunity, when you know “you’re perfect for the job” but
don’t get the job offer, so painful for so many?
Answer: Because
a lot of our identity resides there!
jobs hold very emotional spots in our heads and hearts. “What we do for a living” and “What we do
with our days, weeks, and years in making that living” are critically important
to us and to our self-esteem . . . not to mention to the esteem of those around
us like family and friends who often derive a portion of their self-esteem from
what we do professionally.
for a moment about the initial conversation of most casual meetings or
networking conversations:
“Hi Harry.
I’m Jane. Nice to meet you. So, what
do you do?”
a network engineer. I’ve been with ABC Company for 5 years and moved up into my
current position when the head of the department moved on to. . . . So what
do you do Jane?
“Oh, I’m in design. Ever hear of the DEF Building. I did all the interior design. I have my own firm, Jane’s Interior Design, and now we’re looking at expanding into . .
. ”
the conversation is off and running.
Business cards will be exchanged, and depending on the mutual interest,
Jane and Harry may get and even stay in touch.
both Jane and Harry talked about their professions, what they do with their
days, weeks and years, . . . .their jobs.
Either could have answered in a 100 different ways. They could have talked about . . .
- their status as parents,
- their hobbies,
- their civic involvement,
- their political affiliations,
- their travel,
- their pets,
- that they’re a contributing member of society,
- that they’re a good person, etc.
But, neither did. And, this is most commonly the case. Why?
- their status as parents,
- their hobbies,
- their civic involvement,
- their political affiliations,
- their travel,
- their pets,
- that they’re a contributing member of society,
- that they’re a good person, etc.
But, neither did. And, this is most commonly the case. Why?
in American culture, and particularly in
American business culture, we tend toward describing and defining ourselves in
terms of our work. Think about
it. A lot of our identify is tied up in
the work we do; we spend 8 or 10 or 12 hours a day there. And, it
goes way beyond a paycheck.
when a job is lost, downsized, lessened in responsibility or stature, a part of
us feels lost too. We experience a
loss. Or, when we interview for a
position that’s a dream job, putting our heart and soul into it and come in
second or third, we feel the loss. To the person who says “It’s just a
job. You’ll find another one,” you
respond “You just don’t understand.”
And, the truth is, they don’t.
Change = Loss
change equals loss.
Whenever you make a change, you move toward something new, and away from something old, known, and familiar. Even if the change is a good one, human beings feel the loss of leaving behind that which was a familiar facet of their lives.
We experience feelings of loss even if the change is away from something that was not so good, did not meet our needs, or was destructive or even painful.
Whenever you make a change, you move toward something new, and away from something old, known, and familiar. Even if the change is a good one, human beings feel the loss of leaving behind that which was a familiar facet of their lives.
We experience feelings of loss even if the change is away from something that was not so good, did not meet our needs, or was destructive or even painful.
Career transition is no exception to this
phenomena of loss.
! You may be seeking a new position for the
harshest of reasons – loss of your position.
! You may be underemployed -- your skills and
knowledge are underutilized in your present position – and
seeking a new position that better utilizes your abilities.
! You may be over-employed -- in a position
which requires a level of knowledge, experience, skill, or capability which you
do not possess – and seeking a position
that is a better fit.
! You may be unhappy in or bored with the field
you are in or with the level at which you are employed, and want to make a
career change.
any of the cases above, as you seek and find a new position, you will
experience the phenomena of loss, i.e., leaving behind that which is known and
familiar, even if it was uncomfortable or unsatisfying.
Feelings: Forewarned is Forearmed
aware of the emotions of loss, and knowing how to manage them, enables a job
seeker to keep moving forward in their job search. It helps you to NOT get stuck. If stuck,
it helps you get “un-stuck” when you realize that these emotions such as anger
or sadness or hopelessness will pass.
there are a range of emotions you may experience when faced with the loss of a
job, or an important job opportunity.
These could include:
Anger toward those seen as
responsible for the loss
Frustration over feeling the loss of
control over our lives
Sadness or depression over what seems at the time as being put in a bleak, if
not hopeless, position. And, it can seem
all the more depressing as you realize your search affects, and is affected by,
family, friends, social activities, finances, self-esteem, and plans that were
made for the future. Hearing over and
over again from family or friends:
“Did you have any interviews today?” or . . .
“Did you find a job yet?” . . . can get old fast!”
when forced to find a new position, you may feel a keen sense of loss, and there’s a lot of it:
! There is the loss of the job itself (whether
by choice or mandated by the employer)
! Loss of familiar routines
! Loss of folks we thought were friends who stop getting in touch – a particularly tough one for some folks
! Loss of social activities you normally
participated in that become unaffordable, you don’t have time for, or to which
you’re not invited anymore
! Home can become less of a refuge as family
members become increasingly anxious, distraught, and impatient for you to find
a new job
! Loss of esteem too -- the loss and
uncertainty we feel when we don’t know what to say when someone says: “So what do you do?”
This too shall pass
it can feel terrible, it is very important to know two very important things:
! First,
these feelings are normal and that
! Second,
you will get through them.
fact, in any given day during your job search you may realize that your
emotions run the gamut
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Navigating the Ups-&-Downs |
● The joy and excitement over securing a
networking meeting with a key individual in the field,
then the frustration and annoyance when it is canceled.
● The hope, happiness, and anxiety of getting
an interview,
And then sadness, dismay, and depression of coming in second.
ups-and-downs are enough to make you want to just give up the search and quit .
. . and many do. However, that doesn’t
have to be you if you better understand this range of feelings you are feeling. In fact, this range of feelings human beings
experience when dealing with a loss is the subject of the work of a renown
medical doctor and psychiatrist, Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. Her work has helped many people understand
and therefore deal better with losses, and the resulting grief, they are
the loss of a job, or job opportunities, equates to significant loss for many,
and generates a wide range of up-and-down emotions, Dr. Kubler-Ross’ model can, and has, been used by job seekers to
understand, cope with, and manage the emotions – the ups-and-downs – of job
loss and job search.
The Five Stages of Loss
A bit of background . . . Dr.
Kubler-Ross was working with terminally ill patients, people who were about to
experience the greatest loss of all --
that of their own life. After working with these patients for a long time, she
realized that they seemed to go through a pattern of various emotions until
arriving at a point of stabilization where they could deal with and accept the
loss. She recognized five stages of emotions that people facing loss
experience, before reaching a period of stability: These stages include denial, anger,
bargaining, depression, and acceptance:
1. Denial -- Dr. Kubler-Ross found that a
person facing loss will first (most often) experience denial. You sometimes
hear a person express it in this way: "I can't believe it. Not me, not
person losing their job may say,
“This can’t be happening to me. After 20
years with the company and all I’ve done for them. They’ve got to come to their senses and change
their minds."
Anger -- Kubler-Ross said the
denial or disbelief frequently turns to anger in the next stage.
sometimes hear a displaced person say: "Who do they think they are? How could this happen? It’s not fair. I'd like to punch their lights
Bargaining -- During this
stage, Kubler-Ross said people seek to postpone the inevitable and can feel a
sense of false hope.
For instance, a person facing a job loss,
for example, due to a plant closure or outsourcing of their function might say,
i.e., attempt to bargain, "Maybe they won't close the plant if I work
harder," or "If I learn how to operate that computer program by
Tuesday, I may be able to keep my position."
springs eternal, and while there is always some slight chance that things will
change, typical of the bargaining phase is that the hoped-for chance is
Depression -- During this
stage, people feel sadness over the
loss. This is a stage in which one may
feel listless, exhausted, or de-motivated:
"I don't have enough energy to get out
of bed in the morning, yet alone look for a job.." Or “I may as well just give up. No one will ever hire me.”
Acceptance -- Here, some
energy and hope begin to return. The future doesn’t look so bleak. Although,
one may still feel a little shaky during this stage, people begin to see the
situation as one that (1) CAN be dealt with and (2) as a problem to be solved.
A job seeker who has lost their job, or experienced
a significant setback, may say, “Well, this is the hand I’ve been dealt,” and
“I might as well take stock and deal with it.” They begin to get back on
moved through the previous stages, in this stage, a sense of control and
stability begins to return. People begin
to set goals, develop action plans, and get back in the “job search” game. They begin to gain a perspective on the
situation, analyze what needs to be done, and call upon their normal
problem-solving skills to manage this new challenge!
Our take-away from Dr. Kubler-Ross’
work is that this range of emotions that she discovered applies to “loss” in
general. People going through job loss
can experience this same range and pattern of feelings. Here
are some important things to know as you go through the ups-and-downs of your
own job search:
It’s normal.
is normal to feel a range of feelings, whether over the loss of a job or an
important job opportunity for which you apply.
Not knowing this has led some job seekers to wonder: “Is
there something wrong with me? Everyone
else seems to be doing just fine!”
Know that it’s normal, and your job seeking colleagues are probably feeling the same things – only hiding it more skillfully! So, feel the feelings and know that you will get through the ups-and-downs and back to stability.
Know too, that sometimes a down- or off-day occurs and you need to allow yourself to take a day or two off to recoup and recover. That’s OK. What’s not OK is to let 1 or 2 days become a week, month, year, or . . . years.
Know that it’s normal, and your job seeking colleagues are probably feeling the same things – only hiding it more skillfully! So, feel the feelings and know that you will get through the ups-and-downs and back to stability.
Know too, that sometimes a down- or off-day occurs and you need to allow yourself to take a day or two off to recoup and recover. That’s OK. What’s not OK is to let 1 or 2 days become a week, month, year, or . . . years.
The emotions recur.
is really important to know that the
five stages can occur and then recur, multiple times, although often
subsequent bouts of these feelings are less and less severe.
For instance you may have felt very angry a week after being given notice of the loss of your job or a job opportunity, but then you got past it. Then, a week later, just when you think the ups-and-downs are behind you, you see an item on the news about the company in question and your anger surges.
Knowing it’s normal for the emotions to recur helps. You know you’ll occasionally have these feelings, but that doesn’t mean you’re stuck in the stage of anger or any other emotion; it was just an emotion you felt again, and probably will from time to time.
For instance you may have felt very angry a week after being given notice of the loss of your job or a job opportunity, but then you got past it. Then, a week later, just when you think the ups-and-downs are behind you, you see an item on the news about the company in question and your anger surges.
Knowing it’s normal for the emotions to recur helps. You know you’ll occasionally have these feelings, but that doesn’t mean you’re stuck in the stage of anger or any other emotion; it was just an emotion you felt again, and probably will from time to time.
You may not feel all 5 emotions
of loss.
folks experience all five emotions; some don’t.
It’s OK and that’s normal too.
A lot depends on you, your experiences of the past, and your ability to rebound from difficulties. For some, if this is not the first job loss, that sometimes makes it easier too. You’ve learned from an earlier experience.
A lot depends on you, your experiences of the past, and your ability to rebound from difficulties. For some, if this is not the first job loss, that sometimes makes it easier too. You’ve learned from an earlier experience.
The emotions can occur in any
may experience the emotions in the order as described in Kubler-Ross’ model,
and then again you may not. That’s OK
too; it’s normal.
Some people when dealing with a loss go straight to anger or sadness; some move more quickly to acceptance. Again, a lot depends on your own history for managing when the going gets tough.
Some people when dealing with a loss go straight to anger or sadness; some move more quickly to acceptance. Again, a lot depends on your own history for managing when the going gets tough.
Dealing with the Feelings . . .
The important thing to walk away with
is an understanding that losing your job, and/or searching for a new one, and
the losses you can expect to experience, is fraught with emotions for the
reasons described earlier (Our identities are affected by our jobs.). Knowing
what to expect, and what is normal, can help a great deal in navigating your
way through these emotions, and keeping your job search moving forward.
Step 1.
Understand that these feelings are normal, and allow yourself to
feel them: That DOES NOT mean express
them in an inappropriate way. For more
on this point, read on to Step 2.
Step 2. Have a
pre-selected confidante – 2 at the
most –
with whom you can communicate your “REAL” feelings. As you begin your job search, select a
trusted colleague, friend, job search “buddy,” former mentor, or job coach whom
you can call up and tell the truth about how you’re really feeling. This
person must be a confidential source.
Why is this important? Because you do have to have an outlet to
unleash your feelings and thoughts to.
If you don’t, they’ll surface anyhow, and at the worst possible
risk in expressing these feelings at the wrong time or to the wrong person is
they can do damage to your job search. Comments
like: “I’m mad as ____; that interviewer treated me so unfairly,” or “I’m so tired of getting nowhere that I might
as well give up,” are comments that should be RESERVED FOR A TRUSTED
CONFIDANTE’S EARS ONLY. To express these
feelings to anyone who happens to be convenient can hurt you and your search.
Example 1: A casual statement made on the subway
following a failed interview about how lousy the company is can come back to
bite you. That person you tell may be
employed by the company or another one you apply to in the future; they may
remember your comment and remember you . . . not in a good way!
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Feelings do NOT = Behavior! |
Example 2: You decide that you were treated unfairly in
an interview and decide to call up or send an e-mail to the head of HR, or the
hiring manager and tell them off! Not a good idea! . . . . . . This action
may make you feel better in the short term, but it can cost you in the long
term. Why? You lessen your future chances for employment
by that firm, or by anyone who was present at your interview who may have moved
on to another firm and was impressed by you and your qualifications. People have long memories, and job seekers
frequently forget that professions, such as the HR community or hiring managers
in a specific technical community, are a small community. They know each other and they talk!
Step 3. Learn
to ACT. Acting is not reserved for
Broadway only!
Feelings do not equal behavior. The fact that you feel angry or sad or
hopeless does not mean you have to act that way. You may have an interview to go to, or a
networking meeting or a job fair on the schedule that day. Even if you’re feeling down, and not your
usual upbeat self, go to your event and ACT!
Act positive. Act optimistic. Act competent. Psychologists say you can act or” behave”
your way out of your negative feelings and into positive ones by behaving that
way. Acting positive, upbeat, and
competent can get your there.
Step 4.
Take control of your job campaign and put your managerial skills to
work by (1) establishing a Daily Activity Plan and (2) working it. You’ve heard it said: Plan your work and work you plan. Having a plan for your daily routine, and
performing your self-assigned tasks each day goes a long way toward moving
aside the negative feelings. You won’t
have time for them. Activity goes a long
way toward beating and eliminating the doldrums.
You’re in Sales!
Finally, remember, job search is a “sales
activity.” And, the most effective
sales people learn to look at things from the “customer’s” point of view. In the case of job search, your customer is
the employer. And, . . . .employers are
wary of hiring people who seem in distress.
Employers are Wary of Hiring . . .
! Employers
are wary of hiring anyone displaying bitterness, negativity, or mistrust; these
are not the characteristics employers want to see in prospective
employees. As one employment manager colleague
of mine said many years ago: “I don’t
need to hire another problem; I’ve got enough walking around here already.”
! Employers are wary of hiring anyone
displaying low self-esteem and a lack of confidence. These are not the qualities they seek in
employees who will have to tackle problems and difficult situations to get the
job done.
! Employers are wary of hiring anyone
"needing a job." Employers
have the “need” that must be filled – not the other way round. Job seekers frequently forget this important
“sales” point.
it to sway that poor attitudes shown by candidates for employment have probably
done as much or more to prevent their being hired than lack of any tangible
skills or qualifications for the job.
Employers Are Inclined To Hire People Who .
. .
! Display positive attitudes and an
understanding of the circumstances surrounding their departure from their
previous employment, such as understanding the financial necessity for the
downsizing of their previous firm resulting in the layoff and loss of their
" Being able to convey a sense of understanding
that the job loss was not personal, for example in the case of a layoff, goes a
long way toward creating a positive impression of you on the interviewer.
! Say positive things about previous employers.
" After all, what will the candidate say about
! Display good morale and the ability to bounce
back from hardship or problems.
" No job is ever going to be problem-free, and
that includes the job you are seeking.
! Are problem solvers.
" In today's very tight economy, a person who
can identify problems is valuable.
" A person who can identify and offer solutions
to problems is invaluable.
! Are contributors who
" Can show how they contributed to the bottom
line of previous employers.
" Can suggest how they can contribute to the
bottom line of their next employer!
When Life Throws You Lemons . . .
an old saying that goes: “When life throws you lemons, make lemonade.” And, when you’ve lost your job, or come in
second or third in an interview for a job for “which you were perfect,” it can
sure feel like lemons coming at you.
Forewarned IS forearmed, and having knowledge of what to expect and how
to deal with the lemons is more than half the battle. So, take the information I’ve shared, use it
to your advantage to keep your search moving forward and make lemonade!
the best for a successful job search and career success,
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