It's about that time of year when job seekers, who began their searches with great zest and zeal at the beginning of the year, grow tired and discouraged. They’ve been at it a long time, working hard, and despite all their effort, have not yet landed their next job.
● Discouraged, some just give up.
● Others think, "Maybe I'll just start a business!" Seems like an option – Right? Wrong!!
There is only one reason to go into business: You want to be in business.
Starting, building, and running a small business is a life commitment and a lifestyle. Those who succeed do so

If you want a job, work at getting a job.
What playing around with the idea of starting a business does for someone who actually wants a job is deters them from the job of finding a job and delays their search. They waste their own and others' time and energy.

● A prospective employer isn't sure what you want from them: business or a job?
● It also sends a confusing message to network contacts, leaving them wondering in what capacity to refer you: job seeker or budding entrepreneur?
● It even carries over to business cards: Do you design them to look like a prospective employee or business?
In summary, in doing business start-up activities, a job seeker winds up NOT spending time on the very job search activities that will get them what they really want . . . A JOB!
So, decide. Are you looking for a job or an account?
You can’t do both at the same time. You water down your argument in either case as to why you will be the best employee or the best provider of your service or product in your business.
Don’t mix up searching for a job with starting a business.
Focus on your search if you want a job, and on building a business if you want a business.
For additional information on marketing yourself and your capabilities,
please refer to the many articles found under the Articles tabs of the
AJC–Career Strategy website.____________________________________________________________________________
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